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(R) Missing 33%-MagnifyingGlass-NoHandle


What is The Missing 33%®?


Ever wonder why there are so few women and underrepresented populations in senior leadership roles? Advancement is based on demonstrating Leadership Excellence.

We offer a leadership development workshop specifically to help future leaders understand what The Missing 33%® is - and how to make sure they are learning and demonstrating the skills & competencies necessary to be seen as future executives.


What we know

To understand the causes of the Leadership Gender Gap, we must understand the 3 Parts of Leadership: 

  1. Personal Greatness
  2. Engaging Others
  3. Achieving & Sustaining Extraordinary Outcomes

Of the critical competencies used to identify and select executives, half relate to achieving outcomes and include business, strategic and financial acumen.

We call this, The Missing 33%® of the career success equation for women




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