An Affordable Year-long, High-Impact Development Solution 

NEW for 2025!

Based on Leading NOW’s experience working with Internal Women’s Networks in F500 companies, we have combined our research on leadership competencies AND our best-in-class programming to create the first-of-its-kind ERG Toolkit for Volunteer Leaders.

Our Toolkit for Volunteer Leaders offers a highly efficient year-long cadence of learning workshop content with guidance for each event, providing content recommendations that deliver high-impact development opportunities, whether the initiative is in start-up, expansion or re-launch mode. Developed with Volunteer Leaders in mind, this toolkit ensures you have all the tools you need to create a more business-aligned and higher-ROI plan in a concise, efficient and affordable package that delivers immediate and long-term benefits.

Want to learn more? Fill out the form to see what our innovative ERG Toolkit for Volunteer Leaders includes.

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