Article: Managing New Job Transitions

3 min read | Susan Colantuono

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You've taken a new job. Congratulations!

Now you have to gracefully exit your old position and transition into the new. For both, our leadership definition is a useful guide.

"Leadership is using the greatness in you to achieve and sustain extraordinary outcomes by engaging the greatness in others."

Susan L. Colantuono

No Ceiling, No Walls

Transitioning Out

Put on your mantle of leadership and ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Which are the most important outcomes I need to ensure will move forward without a hitch?
  2. Whom inside and outside of the company do I have to engage and align (and perhaps guide) to make sure that progress is made, and to communicate the go-forward plan?
  3. What legacy do I want to leave behind and what actions should I take to cement my legacy?

It's always a good idea to keep your bridges not only in tact, but also strong.

Transitioning In

It pays to enter a new job with a plan. I know of a woman who absolutely blew the socks off her new boss by coming in with a draft transition plan - instead of expecting him to create it for her.

So, think about your transition plan using the 3-part model:

1. How will you use your first few weeks to get clear on the strategic outcomes of your new organization and how you are expected to drive them through your area. What outcomes will you be focusing on?
2. Who do you have to engage within and outside your new organization to be successful and contribute to the success of the organization? What do they care about and how will you engage and align them?
3. What greatness (strengths, attributes and values) will you stand on and call on as you begin your new position...and what strengths will you have to develop or acquire in order to be successful? What adjustments will you make to in your whole life context? And how can you use the functional aspects of your world view (especially your growth mindset) to fuel your success?

In an early meeting with your new manager, discuss your ideas for your transition plan and invite his/her input. Unless you are walking into a crisis with the expectation of immediate action, the first several weeks or months in a new position are a time to gather information and build relationships.

All good wishes for your continued success.


Lead ON!



Susan L. Colantuono, CEO

Leading Women


Author: No Ceiling, No Walls and Make the Most of Mentoring

"Leadership is using the greatness in you to achieve and sustain extraordinary outcomes by engaging the greatness in others."  - Susan L. Colantuono