This is the final post in our current blog series on the core leadership competencies needed to navigate an environment of constant change. So far, we’ve looked at what it means to demonstrate Interpersonal Savvy, Organizational Agility, Dealing with Ambiguity, and Managing Complexity. And today, we’ll conclude with a look at “Resiliency” -- appropriately so, given the change we are collectively navigating across our world. When we began this series back in March, it was just days after International Women’s Day and during the first moments when the reality of the current Covid-19 crisis was becoming clear. And here we are today, globally still navigating change -- one where the power and strength of resiliency has become abundantly clear. Whether we’ve seen this through the visible and heroic demonstrations by essential workers on the front lines of the crisis in healthcare, public safety, education and food services -- or a version that is less visible because it’s happening inside each of our homes as we adjust and navigate work, family, connection, and our physical & mental well-being while in quarantine. Resilience is most certainly essential.
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