Happy Labor Day and Start of Fall

3 min read | Samantha Furbush Taraskiewicz


Happy Labor Day to all of our friends in the United States! And happy start of Fall to the rest of friends around the world. Yes, yes, I know that Fall actually begins on 23 September, but we all know in reality by tomorrow you will be back into the normal swing of things and that Summer is over. Now that you are back at your desks and starting to plan for next year, we at Leading Women would love to be there to help support your organization close the leadership gender gap.  

Leading Women's proprietary research creates innovative solutions that deliver unique insights, actionable tools and a business focus. Consultation, live programs, online content and virtual interventions will move your organization forward in 3 major areas:

Develop Women Leaders @ Every Level

Leading Women develops business leaders, not just people managers. Our best in class leadership development programs are tightly aligned to our client's business strategy. They are delivered live, virtually online or in combination enabling you to deliver globally with a local feel. The content for each program is tailored to leverage leadership skills and career enablers specific to a career stage from career-start to the C-suite. AND draws on our research into career enablers and barriers for women.

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Add More Women to Your Executive Pipeline

Change the Mindsets of Managers

Managers have mindsets about women and men, about leadership and careers. Many of these mindsets create barriers for women and get in the way of developing top talent.

Helping managers (both women and men) take action to minimize gender barriers is the new frontier in women's advancement -- and one that Leading Women is uniquely positioned to help you address.

For years, Leading Women has tracked research on the ways over 15 mindsets impact talent decisions. We call these gender dynamics. Our global research into 11 of them tells us that those that create the greatest barriers to gender neutral advancement vary by country and corporate culture. 

Knowing this you can count on us to work with you to identify the barriers most common in your business locations and prepare managers to make more equitable, and effective talent decisions.

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Level the Playing Field for Women

Have you ever wondered if your organization's leadership gender gap might indicate that your talent development and performance management systems have a built-in gender bias – and are hurting - not helping - top talent advance to senior positions?

Our research indicates that there is very subtle gender-related bias in many talent and performance systems.

To avoid gender-related constrictions in the talent pipeline, Leading Women works with you to analyze 4 systems for gender-bias and develop long-term strategies for expanding your talent pipeline:

  • Leadership model and programs

  • Performance management and competency model

  • Criteria for high potential designation and succession planning

  • Mentoring/sponsorship programs

Your talent development and performance management systems will more consistently and predictably enable your best talent to rise to the top.

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Champion Women's Initiatives that Work

If your IWiN is mired in affinity-related activities it will fail the:

  • Organization because the ROI is low.
  • Volunteer leaders who miss opportunities for important skill development and are associated with low-value activities.
  • Constituent women who don’t receive high-value career-building resources.

Champion Initiatives that Work!

By working with Leading Women, IWiNs avoid the risks of “toiling at the fringes” and companies reap the benefits of:

  • Higher ROI to the business.
  • More efficient planning.
  • Embedded learning to support volunteer and constituent advancement.
  • Embedded learning to drive future planning.

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