This season of Covid has certainly shed a new light on the inequities in the workforce and communities. From the new pressures on working women with children at home full-time, to the data that’s emerging on how Covid is impacting the underserved, to horrific demonstrations of racism. Many have said that Covid has become the tinder for the flames that are needed to burn down the vast array of inequities that exist.
From a gender perspective we have seen lots of “new” goals and promises make headlines, with more and more organizations willing to state their commitment to a 50/50 gender balanced workforce by 2030. Yes, in response to the coronavirus, but also in response to data like this from McKinsey’s latest “Diversity Wins” which states: “companies in the top quartile for gender diversity in their executive teams were 25 percent more likely to experience above-peer average profitability.”
And yet... "Women make up just 15 percent of executive-team membership, and more than a third of companies have no women at all on their executive teams." Data like this is not new. Along with Covid it’s like fuel to the fire.
So while we understand the environment, motivation and timing behind the new commitments – let’s not forget that for many, 2020 was supposed to be that target – and they missed it. Simply repurposing the 2020 miss, as a new 2030 promise, isn’t going to cut it. Remember it was Einstein who said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Will Covid just be tinder to a flame that will dwindle again in a few months? Are organizations and leaders simply putting a new 2030 wrapper around the same promise, programs and partnerships they’ve had for the past 5, 10...20+ years? We hope not. We believe this first half of 2020 has shown us the need for change, and that we CAN change, do things differently and be resilient in it. Leading through change with resiliency is the call action -- one we are ready to come alongside you to achieve.
Instead of the wrapper, let’s talk about the insides. Instead of a visionary 50/50 statement, let’s tackle the specific barriers that are causing the gap, and institute programs to eradicate it. Instead of far reaching goals, let’s take more small and targeted action steps. Instead of leaders committing to learning and development, let’s see more leadership learning and development.
Together let’s keep those flames burning and put promises into action, so you can keep them, not break them. If you and your organization are looking to advance more women into leadership roles, and reach your newly stated gender + diversity goals for 2030, simply contact us. #WeCanHelp.
Gender + Diversity Playbook:
Setting and Achieving Your Goals for 2021 and Beyond
Part 1: 2020’s Miss is Now a “New” 2030 Promise – But Will Orgs Break This Promise Too?
Part 2: From One CEO to Another—It’s Time to Get Focused
Part 3: How to Engage & Retain More Women - Top 5 Things You Can Do!
Part 4: How To Change Your Company’s Culture To Be More Inclusive
Part 5: Make Your Company Policies Inclusive by Looking at these 3 HR Tools
Part 6: These 5 Tips Will Help You Recruit More Women/Diverse Candidates
Part 7: 10 Strategies for 2021 to Help Engage & Retain Women